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Where The Locals Go

Todd, Kirsten and Ellie know where to go in the Boroughs.


Search Results


The best places to go for the diner experience. Brooklyn Diner 155 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036 p (212) 265 5400 w Reservations "Comfort food done right! Portions are large." Eisenberg Sandwich Shop 174 5th Ave New York, NY 10010 p (212) 675 5096 w Reservations "Old School sandwich shop, love the tuna fish sandwich."

Brooklyn Diner

Comfort food done right! … Tags Won't Break the Bank Manhattan Midtown Upscale Diner Food Midtown 57th Street Times Square Comfort food done right! Portions are large. 212 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019 p (212) 977-1957 w Reservations

The Comfort Diner

Great comfort food. Tags Won't Break the Bank Manhattan Comfort Food Midtown Great comfort food. 214 East 45th Street New York, NY 10017 p (212) 288-0033 w